Wednesday, March 18, 2015

How Can I Find Friends on Facebook?

How can you find friends on Facebook? Let’s assume, you are a new user on Facebook. You just created a Facebook account today. You don’t know any features or apps or functions about Facebook. You are complete newbie in Facebook. But, you want to be connected with all of your friends, colleagues, team mates, teachers, students, family members, girlfriends, boyfriends, sisters, brothers, aunties, uncles, and almost with everyone! You want to share pictures, music, movies, games, apps, tutorials, funny jokes, dirty jokes, your thoughts on natural resources, your thoughts on political issues, democracy, etc. with them and you want to see their pictures, movies, albums, mp3 musics, family friends pictures, their connections, inmates, groups, ideas, etc. So, you really need to be connected with all of them. You want to be a star among them, you would like to see yourself as an Icon among them, you want to prove them that you are special, not just a random guy. So, you need friends and actually you need huge friends as well as subscribers under your profile. You want to be famous and that’s why you need 5000 friends in a very short time. But how? How can you make 5000 friends on Facebook? How can you create huge fan lists in Facebook? You are just a newbie! remember? Can you create 5000 or say 50000 friends on Facebook?

Well, I say you can but you have to have patience. You don’t need to have 5000 friends in a day. You have to forward legally by following all rules and regulations of Facebook. If you hurry, if you want to run all the time, if you want to be famous in just one day or in a very short time then you my friend, will suffer. Your Facebook account might get disabled or restricted. Remember, no one can be famous in a very short time. You don’t need to hire someone special to get friends on Facebook, you don’t need to hire some random agency to increase your connections in Facebook, you don’t need to hire Facebook liker services or Facebook friend increase services because they are not worthy. It is you, you are responsible for your Facebook account. It is you, who has to maintain account regularly and carefully. It is you who want to be famous in Facebook. So, my friend follow the video tutorial or this post, you will be famous!!

As you are first time user, Facebook itself wants to help you to find your friends.

even Facebook wants to find your friends

Remember, you have to fill out your profile. No one likes empty profile person and most importantly choose a nice Avatar. Its 2012, still if you have a pretty face, then you can be famous really quick (Suppose, you are a boy and you get a friend request from a very pretty girl. Can you deny her friend request?). I didn’t fill out my profile because this is not my main Facebook account. I just created this account for this tutorial. After filling out your profile, you will be on welcome page of Facebook.

This is your welcome page on Facebook

From this page, your actual journey begins. Remember, when you are first time user, Facebook does not imply hard restriction on you. You can immediately create 1000 friends on the very first day! So, let’s come to the point “How can you make 100 connections”? You have to find your friends and family members by searching their Email or First name, Last name. Let’s assume, you have imported all friends and well-known members contact on your Facebook account, but your friend list is very small. You are not satisfied with this small friend list. As you want to be famous, you need to connect with more people. So, how can you do that? Let’s Google in order to find very common name. I will create another video tutorial and in that tutorial, I will show you, how you can find very common name based on your country.
Let’s assume, you have found some common names. Now, all you have to do is to search users by the name with the help of Facebook search option. Type the common name in the search field and click on “See more result for your chosen common name”.

common name

Then click on “People”.


Start clicking on “Add Friend” button and keep doing it until you feel tired! (Remember, there are only 10 name displayed by default, after finishing “Add friend” request to these 10 people, you need to click “See More Results”, It will display another 10 people, this process will go on. Take a break for an hour after asking 100-200 people to be your friend, this method will keep your account safe. Suppose, you have finished adding people by the name “common name 1″, again start the same process from the beginning by searching “common name 2″.

Let’s assume, you have requested your friend request to 5000 people within five months(You don’t need to, when you have 400+ friends then you will get 5-10 friend request from others!!!). Now, you want to include yourself in niche groups (groups of your interests). Suppose, you are a doctor and you want to be connected with all doctors group or let’s say you are a SEO expert and you want to be connected with SEO groups. Why? Because you can share something with the groups and each and every member of that group can see your post! How can you do that? It’s easy, type your “niche word” in search field of Facebook (same way that you did when searching people with common name)! and then click on “Search More Results”. This will show 10 results by default. After that, click on “Groups”. It will show 10 groups by default. Right click your mouse on a group name and click “Open Link In New Tab”. This will open the group in a new tab of your browser.


This technique will not direct your current page to the specific group page. It is helpful because you need to maintain your clicks on “Join Group”. When you are on a specific group page only then click on “Join Group”.


When you have clicked all 10 groups from the search page then click “Search More Results” and you will get another 10 groups list. When you are finished clicking “Join Group” of all groups with “Niche keyword”, start with new “Niche keyword” in the search field and find groups and repeat the group process from the beginning.

Now start engaging with your audience. You have given so much time sending friend requests to them and now it is time to share what they will like, what they will read, what they will listen, what they will share among their groups! If you have read all the above information and follow my techniques gently and in a steady process then you will make 5000 friends really soon!

Feel free to share your experiences through comments.


Disclaimer: This post and all the contents published here first published on We are sharing this post here so that more and more people could get help.

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