Wednesday, March 18, 2015

How do I find Facebook friends email? How to export contact details from Yahoo! mail?

Disclaimer: This post and all the contents published here first published on We are sharing this post here so that more and more people could get help.

This is our second tutorial on Facebook. On the first tutorial, we have discussed How can I find friends on Facebook? Let’s say 5000 friends within 60 days? I hope that tutorial helped many members already. In this tutorial I am going to show, How do I find Facebook friends email. Finding friends email through Facebook is not easy. I was trying to get some of my friends email via Facebook because its long time that we see each other. Some of them are my school friends and some of them are my college friends. At the beginning, I directly ask them about their email via messaging system of Facebook. After asking ten of my friends, I found out that its really time-consuming as they don’t stay on Facebook 24*7, nobody does actually. So, I was thinking, how to get all of my friends email in one click or in a single process. I was searching and suddenly I found the solution with the help of Yahoo Email! From “Yahoo Email” we can get our Facebook friends email address very easily, but there are some tricks that I am going to describe elaborately here.

Login to your Yahoo! email and then go to this address:

I am assuming you have just created your Yahoo! email so you don’t have any contacts yet. For this new account you will not get “import from Facebook” feature until you create a new contact.

Yahoo with no contacts

I have created this Yahoo email for this tutorial, as you can see, in this Yahoo! account I have zero contacts. So I am going to make one. When you add someone, you will get the following picture.


After creating a new contact, click on “Contacts” tab and now we can see this new amazing feature.


Click on “Import Contacts”. You will see the following picture. You can import contact details from Gmail, Facebook, Windows Live Hotmail, other Yahoo! account, etc.


Now, you have to log in to your Facebook account in order to import your Facebook friends email into Yahoo!. As I said earlier, I was unable to find my friends personal email through Facebook. Here is the proof:


Now in your Yahoo! email, Click on Facebook icon, a pop-up window will appear asking “Do you want to share your contacts with Yahoo!?” click okay. It will then start importing your Facebook friends contact details into your Yahoo! mail. When the process is finished, you will see something similar like the following image:


Now, as the whole process is completed, suppose, you would like to export all contact details. In order to export all the contact details please do the followings:

Click on “Tools” tab and then click on export.


You will see five available options, but I recommend Microsoft Outlook or Yahoo! CSV


Please note, you might not get full details through this process! So, I recommend you to go with manual process. It is better for you if you click your friend’s name under contact tabs and on the right panel, you can see your friend’s email address. Copy & paste this email details in Microsoft Word, Access, Notepad++ or whichever application you prefer and then save it. Do this repeatedly in order to manually find your friends emails. If you don’t want to save/find all of your friends emails but only for selected ones then this technique is best for you.


In this way, we can easily collect our friends email address details from Facebook to Yahoo! mail and can export all the details into our personal collections.

Hope you like this tutorial. Please check this video tutorial if you prefer watching rather than reading :)

Video Tutorial:

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